Insurance for kiteboardersYou can suscribe with the BKSA, the British KiteSurfing Association: or with the International Kiteboarding Organization - I.K.O - proposes a worldwide insurance for Kiteboarders 365 days / 365 for less than 80$ a year.
Why suscribing to the IKO kiteboarder insurance? It’s always useful to be insured when practising any sport. Insurance companies don’t always offer vaIuable insurance policies for kitesurfing.That is why before begining this new activity, we propose to you through the IKO (International Kiteboarding Organization). This Insurance specialized for kiteboarders will be applicable when you will be at Kitesurf Paradise, but also during the whole year after and anywhere. Specificities : Available to ALL IKO kiteboarders = every kiteboarder as soon as he has been granted a IKO Certification Card from 1st level (ask your IKO instructor for it) Worldwide coverage The policy covers Snowkiting as well as water kiting Excellent rates Third party liability, personal accident and salvage cover ! Kiteboarding specific policy - designed by kiters for kiters No paperwork to send (easy online customer registration) How to suscribe: You simply need to suscribe online on the IKO website at and to enter I2690 or I2691 when the affiliation code will be asked. Then during your stay at Kitesurf Paradise we will grant you an IKO Cerification Card, which validate this insurance in addition to certifying internationaly your kiting level. To suscribe clic here |